Membership Renewal
Your membership is good for a calendar year, normally beginning the month you originally joined. A yearly renewal notice with a return envelope is sent out by mail at the beginning of your renewal month. Your membership lapses at the end of that month. Lapsed members receive GAMUG emails for three additional months, but if you have not yet renewed by the end of that period, your membership expires.Only current, paid members are eligible for the Membership Rewards Program.
To renew, send the notice with your payment to our address listed on the form. The old PO Box is not longer valid. Use the address below.
GAMUG, c/o R.Mueller, 8549 General Grant Ln, 63123
If you misplace this form, you will find a link here to a PDF form which you can type into, print, and then follow the instruction above.
The club would prefer you pay your dues using Apple Cash, refer to these instructions on the steps to take in order to do so.
Click here for the instructions.
Click here for the instructions.